No Deal Brexit Continuity Plan

As the likelihood of a No deal Brexit looms it is essential that all clients, particularly NHS Trusts and healthcare providers, take measures to ensure security if supply. Something as straight forward as a reassurance from your current supplier that they have taken all available measures to ensure an un-interrupted supply of product to you is a simple business courtesy that you should expect. Should you not as yet have received such a reassurance from your current supplier,  I would respectfully suggest that prior, preparation and planning may not be their priority and a Plan B might be appropriate. In order to identify any potential problems areas, why not write to them and request a copy of their plan.

A huge amount of key products come from the European Union and maintaining this security of supply is essential post 31st December 2020.

Challis Ag+ showers are manufactured in the UK so we are pleased to reassure our current clients that we will be able to continue, seamlessly, to service supply requirements now and into the future, as detailed in our No Brexit Business Continuity Plan (Download Here).

As well as servicing our current clients we have in place increased manufacturing capacity to enable us to supply, quickly and easily any customers who experience supply chain difficulties with their EU based current supplier of Anti Microbial showers and accessories.

To ensure your security of supply call us on 01628 529024