Challis Ag+ University Showers

At the end of each academic year student, accommodation blocks across the country are vacated and left for months unattended.  As a new term approaches a flurry of activity ensues which hopefully includes not only a thorough cleaning of the accommodation but most importantly a thorough and deep clean of the university showering facilities.

University showers left for extended periods of time particularly over the warm summer months are a prime area for the proliferation of dangerous waterborne micro organisms such as Legionella and Pseudomonas.  University shower units that are not deep cleaned, disinfected and flushed through will undoubtedly harbor a proliferation of these dangerous micro organisms ready to infect the first unlucky user.

At Challis Ag+ we have a long history of experience supplying showers to the Ministry of Defence where these types of scenarios are commonplace and very similar, in that showers can be left unused for extended periods of time.  Realizing this risk profile we at Challis have developed the Ag+ Antimicrobial University Shower Scheme which enables university accommodation providers to remove old showerheads at the end of each term and replace with brand new antimicrobial showers at the start of each new term.  This ensures that any microbial load is completely removed from the accommodation and each term starts with a pristine clean shower which provides ongoing antimicrobial protection right through till the next shower head exchange.

Realizing budgetary constraints are becoming more frequent we at Challis Ag+ have now developed the Ultraclean Scheme in which showers are replaced each term but instead of being recycled are cleaned and disinfected at our factory and returned for use as the next replacement.  This innovative scheme not only provides a more cost-effective option but also provides a more sustainable solution for the accommodation provider.

The days of austere and very basic university accommodation are now long gone as students expect and require much more comfortable accommodation.  With this in mind, our new Ag+ University Showers have been designed with the more discerning student in mind and can easily exceed the brand and design standard of any 4-star hotel chain.

For more details regarding all our University Shower Scheme along with our wide and varied range of other products why not visit our Web Site or contact us directly by email or phone on 01628 529024 or watch our New Video