In the intricate network of healthcare infrastructure, where every detail is meticulously scrutinized for patient safety, one insidious threat often ...
In the intricate network of healthcare infrastructure, where every detail is meticulously scrutinized for patient safety, one insidious threat often ...
The NHS has recently announced its commitment to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2040, ten years ahead of the government’s ...
Why Not View Our Range of Innovative Surgery/Scrub Sinks Click Here Challis Ag+ and our Swedish partners NOAS are proud ...
We Provide Real, Tangible and Unique Client Added Value Compared to Our Competitors In Real Terms We Provide More ...
You have not had a water pathogen outbreak for months and you think your water safety protocols are working just ...
Regularly flush all water outlets Regularly thermally disinfect all water outlets Regularly review and update education and ...
Incidence of #Legionella are on the increase across the UK Your hard won business reputation is a significant asset which ...
We have just completed another round if Independent anti-microbial testing on our new patented Challis Ag+ Sentinel Tap Fitting to demonstrate ...
As incidents of legionella and pseudomonas increase and the use of POU filters becomes more frequent many clients are seeing the ...
When a notifiable water safety incident such as a Legionella, Pseudomonas flare up occurs many users reach straight for the ...